This 1967 Mooney M20F Executive 21 Is a Speedy, Stretched ‘AircraftForSale’ Top Pick
M20F was the first of the ‘long’ Mooneys with a 10-inch fuselage extension.

1967 Mooney M20F Executive 21 [Courtesy: Aircraft Ownership Solutions]
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Al Mooney designed a lot of aircraft before getting it just right with the sleek, four-seat M20, a design that debuted in 1955 and spawned a family of aircraft that remained in production into 2019.
Clearly the M20 had the right stuff. The earliest versions became well-known for reaching impressive cruising speeds with Lycoming O-320 engines similar to those later fitted to Cessna 172s.
The M20 was light and aerodynamically efficient, with performance that could match aircraft with larger engines and more horsepower. As the model evolved it received engine upgrades to the 180 hp Lycoming O-360 and later the 200 hp IO-360.
The M20F for sale here came with the IO-360 and was the first of the “long” Mooney models with a fuselage stretched 10 inches to give rear-seat occupants more legroom. Pilots planning to carry passengers generally favor the longer, 200 hp models.
While all of the Mooneys are efficient and relatively fast, their long production life means there is a wide range of equipment and prices for the models found on today’s market.
This 1967 Mooney M20F Executive has 3,839 hours on the airframe, 1,295 hours since overhaul on its 200 hp Lycoming IO-360-A1A engine, and 306 hours since overhaul on its propeller.
The IFR panel includes a King KMA 24 audio panel with a four-place intercom, King KX 155 nav/comm with localizer and glideslope paired with HSI, King KY 197A comm, KNS 80 nav, nav/comm, KT 76C transponder, uAvionix wing tip beacon for ADS-B Out, digital EGT indicator, and vertical card compass.
Additional equipment includes a three-blade propeller STC, O&N fuel bladder STC, alternator conversion, and Electronics International fuel flow system.
Pilots who care a lot about efficiency but also want to go fast with four seats should consider this 1967 Mooney M20F Executive, which is available for $72,900 on AircraftForSale.
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- FLYING Magazine: Air Compare: Grumman AA-5 vs. Mooney M20 Series
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- Plane & Pilot: Flying a Mooney M20
- Plane & Pilot: Mooney Executive M20F
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- The Aviation Consumer: Used Aircraft Guide: Pre-201 Mooney
- AVweb: Lycoming Gets IO-390 STC for Legacy Mooneys

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