This 2005 Aviat A-1B Husky Is a Thoughtfully Designed ‘AircraftForSale’ Top Pick
While it looks like a Piper Super Cub, the Husky is a more advanced aircraft.

2005 Aviat A-1B Husky [Courtesy: McCreery Aviation Co.]
Each day, the team at Aircraft For Sale picks an airplane that catches our attention because it is unique, represents a good deal, or has other interesting qualities. You can read Aircraft For Sale: Today’s Top Pick at daily.
The first time I got a close look at an Aviat Husky in action was when I visited a grass strip near my home airport. The field was known as a popular gathering spot for vintage aircraft ranging from Piper Cubs and Aeronca Champs to the occasional PT-17 or AT-6.
On this day things were quiet—just me in a Cessna 172 and the Husky. I parked near the runway’s midpoint and got ready to photograph the Husky’s takeoff. But the airplane lifted off after such a short roll and climbed so steeply that by the time it reached me it was far far too high for a decent photo. Luckily for me the pilot made several circuits and landings, so I had several chances for a good shot.
After seeing the Husky perform, I understood why so many of the tailwheel pilots I know talk about them all the time. The design essentially represents what a number of older tailwheel aircraft might have become had they remained in production and continued to evolve.
This 2005 Husky has 1,075 hours on the airframe, its 180 hp Lycoming O-360-A1P engine and 80-inch Hartzell two-blade Top Prop. The aircraft is equipped with a weight-saving EarthX EXT900 lithium battery, PowerFlow tuned exhaust system, GAR Aero Wheels with 8.50-by-10 Tundra tires, Alaskan Bushwheel tailwheel, 60-amp alternator, front seat five-point harness with inertia reel, Whelen strobes and nav lights, aircraft lifting rings for float installation, B&C oil filter, overhead night lighting, and 50 gallons of usable fuel capacity.
The IFR panel includes a Garmin 340 audio panel, Garmin GNS 430, Lyx NGT-9000 transponder with ADS-B In and Out with built-in traffic and weather display, VM 1000 engine monitor, vacuum system with AI and DG, electric turn and bank indicator, standard altimeter, airspeed, and vertical speed instruments, magnetic compass, and dual USB-A outlets.
Pilots who want a utilitarian taildragger with good load carrying capability and a higher degree of modern equipment and comfort than most, should consider this 2005 Aviat A-1B Husky, which is available for $175,000 on AircraftForSale.
If you’re interested in financing, you can do so with FLYING Finance. Use its airplane loan calculator to calculate your estimated monthly payments. Or, to speak with an aviation finance specialist, visit
- FLYING Magazine: Aviat Husky
- FLYING Magazine: Ski Flying: Aviat Husky A-1B
- FLYING Magazine: Getting Wet in the Aviat Husky
- FLYING Magazine: Aviat Introduces Dual-Fuel Husky CNG
- Plane & Pilot: Rocky Mountain High: The Aviat Husky
- Plane & Pilot: Aviat Husky A-1C
- Plane & Pilot: Plane & Pilot Photo/Video of the Week: Autoland in a Husky?
- The Aviation Consumer: Buying Tailwheel: Leave Your Ego Home
- AVweb: MT Ultra Prop Certified for All Aviat Husky Models

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