Cessna 208B Grand Caravan EX on Floats Completes Testing

The Cessna 208B Grand Caravan EX on Wipline 8750 floats has completed certification flight testing and performance testing, Wipaire announced on Tuesday. The float-equipped airplane also completed FAA Type Inspection Authorization this week, with certification of the float package expected this July.

For years, the short-body Cessna 208A models have been the only Caravans equipped with floats. That has changed, however, with the new EX model, thanks to the additional power provided by the 867 shp Pratt & Whitney PT6A-140.

The amphibious float package will add 255 pounds to the Cessna 208B Grand Caravan EX, making for a 9,062-pound total gross weight with no landing weight limitation.

Preliminary performance data on the Wipline 8750 floats show a 1,826-foot takeoff run on land and a 1,212-foot-per-minute rate of climb from sea level.

“We are excited to bring the Wipline 8750 to Grand Caravan EX owners and operators,” Chuck Wiplinger, company president and chief operating officer, said. “The Grand Caravan EX makes a fantastic floatplane with incredible performance, utility, and capacity. We’re looking forward to seeing them in operation.”

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