This 2010 Van’s RV-8 Is a Fast, Aerobatic, Homebuilt ‘AircraftForSale’ Top Pick

Known for responsive handling and impressive cruising speeds, the Van’s RV series is a top-selling kit aircraft.

2010 Van’s RV-8 [Courtesy: Tony Walsh]

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The log-running series of Van’s RV aircraft helped energize the kit-building movement beginning more than 50 years ago and has helped to convince many pilots to construct their own airplanes.

Continuous development has led to kits that can be built quickly and easily compared with earlier homebuilt models. The resulting aircraft are remarkably capable and sophisticated with all-aluminum monocoque construction and slick aerodynamics that produce rewarding performance.

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While many aircraft kit manufacturers have come and gone, Van’s Aircraft has helped form the foundation of the builder community for decades through its renowned customer support. The company’s dedication to assisting and advising builders has conveyed a sense of confidence that results in more kits being completed and flown instead of languishing half finished in workshops and garages.

When aircraft like the RV-8 for sale today get into the air, their good looks and satisfying flight characteristics keep their builders happy while generating interest among other pilots.

This 2010 Van’s RV-8 has 380 hours on the airframe and 380 hours since overhaul on its 210 hp Lycoming AEIO-360-A1B6 engine, which is equipped with electronic ignition. The VFR panel includes a TQ-KRT2 radio Funke TRT transponder, Dynon D100 EFIS, and Dynon EMS D120 engine monitor.

Pilots shopping for a kitbuilt personal aircraft for sport flying, travel, or aerobatics should consider this 2010 Van’s RV-8, which is available on AircraftForSale.

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