Greenville Technical Charter High School hosts pilots Jane and John Dyer to talk aviation with students. The high school in South Carolina has implemented the AOPA Foundation’s You Can Fly High School Aviation STEM Curriculum. AOPA/David Tulis
The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association’s program for secondary education has reached a critical milestone, with the STEM-based curriculum now poised for use in 300 schools across 44 states.
As AOPA gears up for its STEM Symposium later this fall, it celebrates the advance of the program, which has expanded its reach by 50 percent over last year.
“We are thrilled with the excitement surrounding aviation STEM programs and with the rapid expansion of the AOPA Foundation ‘You Can Fly’ High School Aviation STEM Curriculum,” said Elizabeth Tennyson, executive director of AOPA Foundation’s “You Can Fly” program.
“Teachers love the curriculum, students love the curriculum, and they are learning valuable lessons to help them prepare for careers in the aviation industry.”
The curriculum received the STEM.org Accredited Educational Program Trustmark—a credential from the STEM education and research program that’s available to curriculums nationwide.
The “You Can Fly” High School Aviation STEM Curriculum has also gained the approval of state education departments, including:
*Oklahoma, for its career technical education (CTE) aviation career pathways*Kansas, which worked with the “You Can Fly” team to create a statewide CTE pilot pathway
The curriculum also can be used for college credit at many colleges and universities across the country, including Florida’s Polk State College and Oregon’s Portland Community College.
“The program’s leadership in providing academic rigor and career preparation is evident in its impact at the state and national levels,” Tennyson said.
Registration is open for the 2021 AOPA Foundation High School Aviation STEM Symposium, November 14 to 16 at the Hyatt Regency Orlando International Airport hotel in Orlando, Florida.

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