Lots of high-quality learning—and fun times—take place this week on various social media and online channels. The Finer Points
The hits just keep coming—and we’re not talking about the ones that you take on the chin—but the greatest hits. The creativity of the aviation industry is unmatched—and clearly up to the challenge of developing ways for pilots to stay engaged during this time of social distancing. We’re bringing you a selection of our favorites again this week for your consideration.
First up, on Tuesday, April 14, Cirrus hosts a Facebook Live event that takes you through a preflight of the 2020 SR series aircraft, led by Product Line Director Ivy McIver. Starting at 10:30 am, EDT, the event will be posted if you can’t make it.
The FAA has introduced its Runway Safety Pilot Simulator to assist pilots and flight instructors with best practices as they use the tool to help stay proficient during weeks away from the skies. The library of 3D animations based on real-life scenarios allow pilots to navigate on airports while maintaining communications with ATC. The National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI) has teamed up with veteran pilots and airline captains Barry and Brian Schiff—an aviation father-and-son duo with resumes a mile long—to discuss the learning and development value of the program and how to incorporate it into a pilot’s or instructor’s toolkit. You can register for the April 15 webinar on NAFI’s MentorLive site.
Duncan Aviation has parlayed its newly-earned expertise in COVID-19 outbreak coping strategies into an extension of its online education and resource tools—the Straight Talk podcasts. In these segments, the company shares its ways for disinfecting aircraft properly to keep pilots and their passengers—as well as the support staff working on and around them—safe in these challenging times.
Did you know that the knowledge test has changed significantly in the past few months? Experienced flight instructor Russell Still, of Gold Seal Ground School, recently published a thoughtful article on the topic that should resonate with instructors—as well as help you study for your next exam.
Aviation everyman Steve Thorne, aka Flight Chops, waxes introspective in his latest installments to his YouTube channel. What we like is the wide range of topics that he covers—tailwheel training to getting his IFR to mountain flying to coping with ATC mike fright. As one new fan tweeted last weekend: “After binge watching @FlightChops past videos during this quarantine I can safely say he inspired me to stop dreaming about it and do it. First flight lesson is scheduled and we’re on the path to pilot! Train the way you fly and fly the way you train.”
Finally, Flying made its Instagram Live debut in coordination with Jason Miller of The Finer Points last week, and we’re inspired by the depth he takes into instructional subjects. During the stay-at-home protocols, Miller is hosting a series of IG Live talks, with a theme each week. Last week? Weather. This week? Aeromedical—with Dr. Howard Donner on the “finer points” of decision making and aviation medicine every week day on The Finer Points on Instagram at 9 am PDT.

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