How Do You Obtain a Student Pilot Certificate After a Break in Training?
Just sit down with the lapsed learner and create a new application online.

Old style student certificate/medical. [Courtesy: Meg Godlewski]
Question: I am a newly certificated flight instructor, and a lapsed student pilot has asked me to finish his training. He has one of the old paper student pilot certificates dated 2002. How do I fill out the integrated airman certification and rating application (IACRA) without messing things up if he already has a student certificate on file?
Answer: You're in luck. The paper student pilot certificate was issued by the aviation medical examiner (AME) and not done through IACRA as we know it, so it is doubtful the learner already has an IACRA account.
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All you have to do is sit down with the learner and create a new application. Simply follow the prompts and fill out the application. In a few weeks he will get a plastic student pilot certificate in the mail.
Also, don't forget to also verify the learner's citizenship and give him a TSA endorsement, which have become requirements since 2002.
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