Sporty’s new Commercial Pilot Test Prep course offers maneuvers training within the program. Sporty’s Pilot Shop
With the Coronavirus outbreak causing the drawing down of in-person flight training in some areas of the country this spring, you can look to providers like Sporty’s Pilot Shop, Redbird Flight Simulations, Aviation Supplies & Academics, King Schools, and others to help keep you focus on your aviation goals.
Sporty’s has launched its latest addition to its online training portal, the Commercial Pilot Test Prep course. For those who want to remain on track toward a professional pilot career, including becoming a flight instructor, the commercial certificate is a key milestone to push towards. According to Bret Koebbe, vice president of catalog sales for Sporty’s, “it's the first of its kind to incorporate maneuvers training for chandelles, lazy eights, eights on pylons, etc.” Set up a study session based on a topic, or randomized to simulate an actual exam.
Redbird Flight Simulations suggests a round-up of its blog posts to help you outline your own program for proficiency or skill development using your home flight simulator—especially if you lose access to the one you use at your local flight school during a period of social distancing. Check out posts that start with setting up your own home flight simulator, then move on to staying instrument current, knocking off your three favorite instrument approaches, and brushing up on VFR emergencies. Redbird’s Josh Harnagel, vice president of marketing, reports that their team is also producing a weekly seminar to help pilots stay connected: Here’s the link for more information, including the class schedule.
Aviation Supplies & Academics (ASA) hosts a series of knowledge test preparation materials, and right now offers significant opportunities for both students and flight schools to leverage those materials during this challenging time. “Effective immediately, and for a limited time, Prepware School (regularly $295.00) will be offered to qualifying schools for free and Prepware Online (regularly $39.95 for any student database) has been reduced to $19.95,” according to a company news release. “One hundred dollars has been taken off Online Ground School courses bringing the price of Private Pilot Online Ground School down to $79.95, and Instrument Pilot Online Ground School, down to $99.95.” Prices will be honored through May 31, 2020.
In other training news, King Schools has confirmed that it is 100-percent operational at this time, with customer service and technical support available. It’s offering a 21-percent discount (use the code SPRING20 at checkout on the KingSchools.com website) for its full gamut of online training for those pursuing just about any level of achievement, from student pilots to ATPs, and turbine training to remote-piloted aircraft. King Schools recently announced the recipient of its 2020 Martha King Scholarship for Female Flight Instructors, Anna Stanphill, with a value of $18,000.

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