D-Day Squadron Headsets, GoPro Gear Stolen in U.K.

Following the theft, Bose donated five new A30 aviation headsets to the Western Airlines crew in England marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

Bose, a longtime sponsor of the D-Day Squadron, donated five new A30 aviation headsets to the Western Airlines crew after their headsets were stolen the first night the tour was in the U.K. [Courtesy: D-Day Squadron]

It is never fun when someone steals from you, especially when you are traveling overseas as part of a historical aviation event like D-Day Squadron's 2024 Legacy Tour.

The tour, made up of 11 World War II-era DC-3s and C-47s, began in North America in May before heading to England to take part in events marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

According to Lyndse Costabile, executive director of the D-Day Squadron, the first night the tour was in the U.K. someone broke into the Western Airlines DC-3-119E, stealing all the Bose headsets (four A20s and one A30) and GoPro gear.

"There was no damage to the airplane, and as there were no crewmembers there, no altercations for the team," Costabile said.

According to Costabile, the theft was reported to local police, but with little hope of the headsets being returned, a schedule to keep, and two months left on the tour, the crew had no choice but to replace them.

Since Bose is a longtime supporter of the organization, she contacted the company to see if it could help. It donated five new A30 aviation headsets to the Western Airlines crew.

“For warbird pilots and crew flying one of the most legendary and loud vintage aircraft of our time, the Bose product is unmatched,” Costabile said. “Bose Aviation remains a strong partner in our annual commemorations and historical programming to honor the greatest generation. We’re grateful they answered the call, a rescue to our efforts and a very deserving crew who worked tirelessly to get Western Airlines aboard this mission and across the pond.”

The headsets were waiting for the crew when it arrived in Germany on June 14 for the 75th anniversary of the Berlin Airlift.

“The Berlin Airlift 75th anniversary commemoration was a success, and thanks to Bose Aviation, the Western Airlines DC-3 crew felt right at home again equipped with A30s for a memorable Jelly Belly candy drop, 75 years later,” said Costabile. “We are looking forward to reuniting with our Bose family at this year’s EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, as a collection of DC-3 and C-47 aircraft fill the skies for scheduled ‘DDay80’ commemorations.”

Sean Rossi, Bose vice president of global marketing, said it was an honor to help the crew complete its mission.

“There was no question we needed to help,” said Rossi. “These pilots were flying in an extremely strenuous environment, and we didn’t want the burden of replacing the stolen headsets to impact their participation in the Legacy Tour in any way. We are honored that the D-Day Squadron turned to Bose for assistance and hope the crew’s new A30 aviation headsets bring comfort and clarity to the remainder of their journey.”

The D-Day Squadron wouldn’t exist without the help of private and corporate support, according to Costabile. The organization was established in 2019 as a means to make sure future generations learn about “Flying Freedom” and the Allied flight into France on that famous day in 1944. 

Meg Godlewski has been an aviation journalist for more than 24 years and a CFI for more than 20 years. If she is not flying or teaching aviation, she is writing about it. Meg is a founding member of the Pilot Proficiency Center at EAA AirVenture and excels at the application of simulation technology to flatten the learning curve. Follow Meg on Twitter @2Lewski.

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