Glass Cockpit or Steam Gauges for Training?
Sam Weigel offers advice about how the pros and cons of learning to fly in glass cockpit aircraft.

Sam Weigel offers advice about the pros and cons of learning to fly in glass cockpit aircraft. [Screenshot]
It's easy to get enthralled by digital technology in the cockpit and choosing that option for instrumentation by going with a glass cockpit. But like choosing to fly a high or low wing aircraft, it's yet another aviator conundrum and there are distinct advantages to making the right choice. Sam Weigel breaks down the score and comes up with an innovative solution.
Colleges That Use a Glass Cockpit
Whether you train in a glass cockpit or a steam gauge cockpit, if you're going to the airlines you'll want to know what the latest is in aviation careers. Interested in going to college and becoming a professional pilot? Check out FLYING's Flight School Guide. Here, you'll find out how we ranked the top flight schools in the United States and better learn what each college has to offer. Many offer glass cockpit training, so be sure to compare each to each other to see how they stack up!
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