Lycoming Extends TBO on Long List of Engines

The FAA signed off on an AMOC to Airworthiness Directive AD-2012-19-01 regarding the TBO schedule for a long list of Lycoming engines. Lycoming

If you own an airplane powered by a Lycoming engine, this may come as a welcoming piece of news. The FAA has signed off on an Alternate Method of Compliance (AMOC) to Airworthiness Directive AD-2012-19-01 regarding the TBO schedule for a long list of Lycoming engines. The affected engines along with details for overhaul schedules are listed in Service Instruction No. 1009BA. While the calendar time limit for TBO remains at 12 years, the AMOC extends the TBO by 200 hours.

The New York Aircraft Certification Office signed off on the AMOC, stating it provided an equivalent level of safety.

Several conditions apply to the TBO extension. Primarily, it applies to Lycoming new, rebuilt and factory overhauled engines. An overhaul performed by another entity must meet the following requirements:

a. Must use Lycoming genuine parts or FAA-PMA parts approved by Lycoming. b. Must use Lycoming approved procedures. c. FAA form 8130-3 must indicate in Block 12 that the overhaul or repair was performed using only the procedures and parts of a. and b.

An additional 200 hours can be added to engines used in frequent service, accumulating 40 hours or more per month. This addition, published in Note 11 in SI No. 1009BA, has already been in effect. There is also a previous provision capable of extending the 12-year limit through a corrosion inspection by a mechanic with an Inspection Authorization. The published TBO intervals do not apply to engines that have been operated outside of Lycoming’s published specifications.

Pia Bergqvist joined FLYING in December 2010. A passionate aviator, Pia started flying in 1999 and quickly obtained her single- and multi-engine commercial, instrument and instructor ratings. After a decade of working in general aviation, Pia has accumulated almost 3,000 hours of flight time in nearly 40 different types of aircraft.

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