Young Professionals (YoPros) attending NBAA’s Emerging Leaders Conference are the future of the industry workforce. NBAA
As the future of the aviation and aerospace industries, young professionals–called “YoPros” by the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA)–will meet in Orlando, Florida, on February 26 and 27, 2020, for NBAA’s inaugural Emerging Leaders Conference (ELC). The two-day event has been “curated by young professionals for young professionals” and is designed to inspire and educate the current workforce and future industry leaders.
Always at the forefront of industry workforce issues, NBAA will focus on presenting actionable education sessions that YoPros can use today to achieve higher levels of success in a current position, or begin the journey towards a career in the aviation or aerospace industries. “The conference format, topics, and purpose have been curated with a focus on ensuring members of the workforce walk away with new skills in management, professionalism, and leadership,” NBAA stated. “Attendees will develop high-level workplace skills that will enhance their leadership abilities and deliver tangible benefits to their organizations.”
“The Emerging Leaders Conference is a must-attend for young professionals within business aviation,” said Sierra Grimes, NBAA Senior Manager, Registration & Programs. “This event is curated specifically for them, with speakers, content and networking opportunities that will help young leaders hit the fast-forward button on their own careers while showing them ways to have a meaningful impact on the broader industry. We are excited that a host of leading companies recognize the value of this event through their decision to invest in these talented people by encouraging attendance at the conference. This forward-thinking investment will serve the attendees and their companies alike, through retention and other successful outcomes.”
Along with presenting education and training for YoPros, NBAA’s ELC will provide an opportunity for employers to invest in attracting and retaining new talent by providing tailored professional development that today’s aspiring leaders demand. As companies look to the future of their workforce, attending a conference such as this makes good sense as it offers direct face-to-face networking with young leaders who are driven to improve their professional skills. Interested companies wishing to sponsor the event for direct access to the YoPros in attendance can click here for updated real-time sponsorship availability as a number of opportunities are still available.
When looking at the program schedule for the ELC, it is obvious that much thought has gone into making this event as educational as possible for YoPros. A program entitled ‘Humanizing Business with Millennials in the Mix” will teach how leaders can “embrace cultural tenants in your organization to encourage potential and keep a good team together,” while “The Polished Professional” will help YoPros refine their self-presentation during “an upbeat executive coaching workshop.”
Even while much of the planned program schedule will focus on serious issues facing YoPros, others will offer more “edgy” fare sure to entertain their demographic. The “Business Aviation Fight Club” will ask young leaders to “take the ring” for a series of debates on hot industry topics such as texting with customers, colleagues or superiors, the unwritten rules of sales, teleworking policies, dressing for success, and—a very important topic for today’s business environment—how to avoid trouble when mixing social media with business.
Another topic sure to draw attendees is “All’s Fair in Love and Business – Or Is It?” which delves into the topic of how even the best-intentioned people can lose track of the line between healthy competition and unethical behavior. In the interactive session, industry veterans will “walk attendees through a number of tricky real-life scenarios to demonstrate how the most successful individuals maintain their ethical compass when navigating murky waters.”
The 2020 NBAA Emerging Leaders Conference is being held at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando. Information on hotel and transportation options can be found here.

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