The Recreational Aviation Foundation is warning of the potential closure of several backcountry airstrips in Colorado. The closures could result from a rule change currently under consideration by the Bureau of Land Management’s Grand Junction Field Office. Four travel management plan alternatives have been suggested for a new resource management plan (RMP). Three of these alternatives could affect the airstrips, unless they are excluded from the final plan.
The following strips are in danger of closing as a result of the RMP: Dolores Point, Hubbard, Little Dolores, West Creek Bluff, Arrow Head Camp, Calamity Camp, Flattop Mesa and Blue Mesa Airstrip. The only alternative that would not affect the continued operation at these strips is travel management alternative A, which suggests no changes, but this is not the preferred choice of the BLM at this stage.
If you would like to help prevent the closure of these airstrips, you can send comments to the BLM indicating your support of alternative A or suggesting the exclusion of the airstrips from the RMP by clicking this link.
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