The creators of the popular animated Disney movie Cars are about to release a new animated feature called Planes. Set to open in the theatres on August 9, Planes follows Dusty the crop duster as he tackles his fear of heights to achieve his dream of becoming an air racer.
A wide variety of animated airplane characters, from air racers to Navy and Air Force fighters, come alive on the screen in a 3-D visual extravaganza. Behind the animated characters are many well-known voices, such as Dane Cook, Brad Garret, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Teri Hatcher.
Look for a story on the creation of Planes in an upcoming issue of Flying. Those of you heading to the Oshkosh airshow can see the movie in a special preview screened in the Fly-In Theatre on August 2. And if you can't wait to see what this new movie is all about, you can follow Dusty as he meets his friends and foes in the movie preview below featuring music from the film's composer, Mark Mancina.
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