ADS-B compliance is about to become a little less pricey for thousands of aircraft owners after the public-private NextGen GA Fund announced it is buying 10,000 low-cost Lynx NGT-1000 ADS-B units from L-3 Aviation Products as part of the "Jumpstart GA 2020" program. But as you might guess, there's a small catch.
In order to get the rock-bottom reduced pricing being offered by NEXA Capital Partners, the entity that manages the NextGen GA Fund on behalf of the FAA, you must be among the first 10,000 aircraft owners to buy the gear (obviously) and you have to send in your money and install the equipment by July 1, 2016.
That sounds pretty good, but there's still one more problem. NEXA Capital Partners hasn't made public what it will charge for the Lynx NGT-1000 units. (Edit: After our Enews went out we received a press release from the NextGen GA Fund with introductory dealer pricing: $1,599. Installtion is expected to cost around $1,000 and a GPS antenna around $500.)
"AOPA has made it clear that 30,000 aircraft owners would park their aircraft rather than upgrade to ADS-B at current market prices," said Michael Dyment, a general partner of the NextGen GA Fund. "We're hopeful the volume purchase made possible by the GA Fund addresses these concerns."
NEXA says the NextGen GA Fund plans a "series of large volume orders" of ADS-B equipment offering the "best combination of pricing, product availability, warranty, product features and FAA certification compliance with FAA 14 CFR 91.227."
So if you miss out on the opportunity to buy the L-3 Lynx product there might be other intriguing choices coming soon. The NextGen GA Fund also plans to offer affordable financing for avionics purchases and installations. We'll keep you posted as those details emerge.
Meanwhile, L-3 is offering a family of Lynx ADS-B products to fit a range of needs and budgets. Look for a video flight report of the Lynx NGT-9000 — the world's first touchscreen transponder — in next week's Flying Enews.
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