Photos: Tornadoes Devastate Nebraska Airport

The swath of multiple tornadoes that ripped through three states on October 4 hit Wayne Municipal Airport (KLCG) hard. Thankfully, no one was injured at the airport, about 35 miles southwest of Sioux City, Nebraska, but two rows of T-hangars were destroyed along with nine airplanes. Only the middle row of three was spared, though it was knocked from its foundation and its doors are still not functional today. A brand new FBO building and hangar — dedicated just a week before the storms — was demolished.

Among the aircraft destroyed were a Cessna 421, a Cirrus and a Cessna 172. Also destroyed were a vintage Taylorcraft and a 1947 Bellanca Cruisair. EAA Chapter 291 president Rick Alter said, "The engine and firewall were found in a creek about a quarter mile from the airport." The Bellanca, previously owned by the late Keith Wickett, had been donated to the Chapter's museum, but had not been ferried over yet. "I guess we didn't get it soon enough. I looked everywhere and never found the wings," said Alter.

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Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.

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