How to Get That Type Rating

The ins and outs of getting through your first type rating.

Pilots who want to get their type at a training center will have to do battle with the sometimes fiendish peculiarities of the simulators in which we train. For more, check out "The First Type Rating."
Find out ahead of time what kind of simulator you’ll be training in. This daylight full-visual Level-D King Air 350 sim at SimCom is a first-rate choice. For more, check out "The First Type Rating."
This Level-D sim for the Eclipse 500 has a wraparound full visual display and buttery smooth electric motion. For more, check out "The First Type Rating."
Training with a partner can have advantages, but it's hard to overestimate the value of one-on-one instruction. For more, check out "The First Type Rating."
Pilots can help their training go more smoothly by studying ahead of time and getting to know the airplane, its performance and its systems. For more, check out "The First Type Rating."
There's no way for a newbie to really understand the principles behind jets, so avoid the temptation to take an accelerated course. For more, check out "The First Type Rating."
While getting a type rating isn't easy, the bottom line is this: If you're a serious and motivated pilot, you can do it. For more, check out "The First Type Rating." **
The photos in this slideshow were provided courtesy of SimCom. For more, check out "The First Type Rating."
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