The Pilot Proficiency Center (PPC) will be back at Oshkosh, but even bigger and better than last year. Because pilots learn best through scenario-based training, the PPC offers any AirVenture pilot, or pilot wannabe, an opportunity to experience the dynamic world of flight through one of 14 Redbird simulators stationed in a new 8,000-square-foot facility. The PPC, planted this year near the show’s epicenter at Knapp Street and EAA Square, is open for simulator flying between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. A number of Tech Talks on a wide range of cockpit flying techniques will also happen during the day, as well as a few early-bird tech sessions beginning at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
The PPC’s mission is skill building for anyone hankering to increase their aviation knowledge, hone their stick-and-rudder abilities and gauge by flying one of two-and-a-half dozen unique simulator scenarios. Because the simulators offer the flexibility to program almost any kind of scenario, this year’s PPC will deliver flights into busy IFR terminal areas and backwoods mountain strips, night flying and even some unusual attitude flying using a Redbird full-motion sim. Pilots a bit squeamish about flying when the winds are howling at more than 10 knots can try out Redbird’s Crosswind simulator, an adventure sure to improve any pilot’s ability to operate more safely in strong crosswinds.
All simulator and Tech Talk sessions are offered free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis. Each simulator session pairs a pilot with one of a few dozen experienced instructors volunteering their time at the PPC. Specifics of each Tech Talk session can be found on the PPC schedule. The entire PPC is officially sponsored by 13 well-known aviation organizations.
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