Pilot Workshops Adds New IFR Pilot-Friendly Manual
Pilot Workshops has released the latest in its series of guides for already-rated instrument pilots, IFR Procedures: A Pilot-Friendly Manual.

The new “IFR Procedures” manual from Pilot Workshops helps support your instrument proficiency plan beyond the check ride. [Pilot Workshops]
Your instrument check ride—and the training leading up to it—covered a lot of territory. But there’s no way you learned all there is to know about flight under IFR, in the system and in the clouds. Don’t you wish you had a savvy mentor pilot to take along with you and give you the pieces you may have missed on the way to your instrument ticket?
To this end, Pilot Workshops has released the latest in its series of guides for already-rated instrument pilots, IFR Procedures: A Pilot-Friendly Manual. The practical guide fills in the gaps between lessons and practice under the hood and in the sim—and keeps IFR proficiency going beyond the check ride.
Using the same step-by-step format as past guides in the series, IFR Procedures talks you through common procedures, breaking them down into relatable, actionable chunks so that you can apply the lesson learned in the cockpit. The chapters cover all phases of instrument flight, including: preflight planning; ATC and clearances; departure, en route, and arrival procedures; and what to do if you have an abnormal or unusual situation.
The printed version is spiral-bound so you can take it with you—it will lie flat on your lap or that of your flying companion—or you can get a digital version to carry and reference on an iPad or tablet. It’s 144 pages with graphics and color photos—plus clear explanations of real-world scenarios.
“The majority of instrument-rated GA pilots struggle to maintain IFR proficiency,” says the company. “It’s a real problem, and something we’ve seen repeatedly over the past 17 years providing IFR training. Our goal was to create a tool pilots can use to improve their IFR knowledge as needed.”
The digital version is $49, and the printed version is $69. They can be ordered at pilotworkshop.com.

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