Kaiser Jet Center
In our FBO Spotlight series, we're highlighting FBOs around the country that have received rave reviews from our readers. This latest Spotlight is brought to you by Thomas O’Donnell, who recently flew into Sonoma County Airport in a Cessna 182. Here’s what he has to say about one of the airport's FBOs, KaiserAir.
KaiserAir (KSTS)
Santa Rosa, California
"I recently flew to STS to attend a luncheon meeting in town and had never had any experience with the Kaiser FBO. I was greeted like a valuable customer by the ramp personnel who assisted me with securing my airplane and directed me to their offices. The front counter personnel greeted me as well, provided directional information and a map to my destination and lent me their airport car for transportation. Their kindness and efficiency to help an 'average' pilot reflected great credit on themselves and their company. I'll be back."
To learn more about this FBO, visit www.santarosajetcenter.com.
Do you have a great FBO story you'd like to share with fellow aviators? Take this survey and tell us about it, or email bethany.whitfield@bonniercorp.com.

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