Redbird Sim Experience at Oshkosh Commemorates Pearl Harbor 75th Anniversary

AirVenture attendees can experience a P-40 like the ones flown during the attack on Pearl Harbor. Wikimedia Commons/Tony Hisgett

Visitors to Oshkosh this year will have the chance to relive history 75 years after the defining moment that propelled the United States into the second World War.

Redbird, A2A Flight Simulations and Flying magazine will commemorate the attack on Pearl Harbor with a unique simulator that puts attendees in the cockpit of a P-40 much like the one Maj. George Welch flew on Dec. 7, 1941. Welch, a second lieutenant at the time, was one of the few U.S. fighter pilots able to engage Japanese forces in the air that morning.

A full-motion MX2 simulator was donated to the exhibit. Redbird

The MX2 full-motion simulator, built by Redbird Flight Simulations, can be found at Booth No. 445 inside the Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor, a new exhibit built specially for EAA Airventure 2016. The simulator was donated to the exhibit by Redbird and Scott Gentile, president of A2A, with support from Flying.

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