AirVenture Video: Garmin Cirrus Retrofit

Take a look inside a 2007 Cirrus SR22T G3 sporting a fresh panel of Garmin avionics that was on display at Oshkosh.

A panel upgrade of a 2007 Cirrus SR22T G3 on display at EAA AirVenture 2024. [Credit: Larry Anglisano/ screenshot]

OSHKOSH, Wisconsin—With Cirrus reaching 10,000 aircraft delivered, that means there are plenty of aging SR20 and SR22 models in need of refurbishment, including modern avionics upgrades.

One well-regarded avionics shop—Nexair Avionics in Plymouth, Massachusetts—has been specializing in avionics retrofits for Cirrus models for years and brought one to EAA AirVenture this week. It’s a 2007 SR22T G3 model sporting a fresh panel of new Garmin avionics, and we take a look at the airplane with Nexair sales manager Brian Wolfe.

Editor’s Note: This article first appeared on The Aviation Consumer.

Larry Anglisano
Larry AnglisanoContributor
Larry Anglisano is the Editor in Chief of Aviation Consumer magazine. He's an active land, sea and glider pilot, and has over 30 years experience as an avionics tech.

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