This 1977 Beechcraft Baron 58P Is a Significantly Upgraded ‘AircraftForSale’ Top Pick
Speedy light twin offers pressurized comfort, modern avionics, and low-time engines.

1977 Beechcraft Baron 58P [Courtesy: Hayse Grace]
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Pilots can gain several advantages by stepping up to a light twin from a single-engine piston aircraft. The redundancy of an extra engine brings a welcome sense of security when flying in IFR conditions, either at night or over forbidding terrain, because the airplane can continue to fly if one engine fails. Pilots who fly in such conditions regularly can reduce their stress level and that of their passengers while enjoying a bump in useful load by flying a twin. The list of typical advantages over piston singles includes higher climb rates and cruising speeds.
The Baron 58P for sale here is pressurized, which is a rare feature among light twins that gives it the feel of a larger aircraft when flying at higher altitudes. Pilots will appreciate the increased travel speeds available in the flight levels while passengers will be happy to avoid wearing cannulas for supplemental oxygen. The overall experience can approach that of first-class airline travel.
This Baron has 4,207 hours on the airframe and 148 hours since factory remanufacture on each of its 325 hp Continental TSIO-520 engines. The aircraft is equipped with electronic ignition and vortex generators, carries 196 gallons of fuel, and has a maximum takeoff weight of 6,100 pounds.
The panel features Garmin GTN 750 and GTN 650 GPS/Nav/Coms, Flight Stream 510, Garmin 340 audio panel, GTX 345 transponder, Sandel 3308 HSI, King Century IV autopilot, and Gemini engine monitor.
Pilots with complex travel plans that include long stretches over water, mountain terrain, or at night could benefit from the added security of twin-engine redundancy with this Beechcraft Baron 58P, which is available for $265,000 on AircraftForSale.
You can arrange financing of the aircraft through FLYING Finance. For more information, email
- FLYING Magazine: We Fly: Beechcraft Baron G58
- FLYING Magazine: Finding a Home for a Beechcraft Baron
- FLYING Magazine: Beechcraft Baron: A Retrospective Look
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- The Aviation Consumer: Used Aircraft Guide: Beech Baron 58

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