This 1979 Bellanca 17-30 Viking Is a Stealthily Quick ‘AircraftForSale’ Top Pick
Its fabric covering might look old-fashioned, but the Viking is known for fast-paced flying.

Bellanca’s fabric-covered Viking is among the faster four-seat retractables. [Courtesy: Scott MacDonald]
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When moving up to a high-performance, complex four-seat aircraft suitable for long-distance travel, pilots often look at Beechcraft Bonanzas, Mooney M20s, Piper PA-24s, and Cessna 182s. The Bellanca Viking often does not make the list in part because it is not as well known as the others. Those for whom speed is a priority should take a close look at the Viking, which is known for high cruising speeds even though its wooden-wing, fabric-covered fuselage and empennage, and strut-braced horizontal stabilizer do not look especially speedy.
The Viking traces its lineage to the Bellanca Cruisair and Cruisemaster models of the 1940s and ’50s that were advanced for their time. They share a family resemblance, though the Viking, many of which had 300 hp Continental engines, is more of a speedster than its ancestors. There are loyal Viking pilots who consider their airplanes to be the last word in economical piston performance for light civilian aircraft.
This 1979 Bellanca Viking has 3,522 hours on the airframe and 573 hours on its Continental IO-520K engine. The panel includes an Aspen Avionics EFD1000 Pro PFD and GPSS roll steering, Avidyne IFD540 and IFD440, Garmin GMA 345 audio panel with intercom, Garmin GTX 345 transponder with ADS-B In and out, Century III autopilot, PI 700 digital engine monitor, and JPI fuel flow instrument.
Pilots looking for a lot of performance in an economical four-seat retractable package should consider this 1979 Bellanca 17-30 Viking, which is available for $147,500 on AircraftForSale.
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- FLYING Magazine: Challenging Common Aircraft Buying Tips
- Plane & Pilot: Bellanca Viking: Wood, Fabric & Genius
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- Plane & Pilot: Bellanca Junior, Cruisair, Cruisemaster
- The Aviation Consumer: Bellanca Viking

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