Today’s Top Aircraft For Sale Pick: 1977 Grumman American AA-5B Tiger
This economical four-seat single offers more speed and style than most in the same category.

The Grumman AA-5B is known for its speed and maneuverability. [Courtesy: Ted Slanker]
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When military contractor Grumman started building light general aviation aircraft, it focused, in part, on giving pilots more for less by offering the four-seat Tiger at a relatively low price while making it faster than many of its competitors. Reviewers pointed out that the new aircraft’s performance left most competing fixed-gear models in the dust while challenging some four-seat retractables.
Grumman’s design incorporated a number of features that turned up on Cirrus decades later, including streamlined, fixed landing gear and a free-castering nose wheel. A sliding canopy eased ingress and egress while providing better visibility than many competitors. With a 180 hp Lycoming O-360, it could cruise at nearly 140 knots, which was fast among fixed-gear singles.
This Tiger has 3,512 hours on the airframe and 1,431 hours on its 180 hp engine since overhaul. Inside the cowling there’s also a new engine-driven fuel pump, new carburetor, ignition module, engine baffles, Skytec starter, regulator and alternator, spark plugs, and battery. Upgraded lighting includes new LED landing, navigation, strobe, and rotating beacon lights.
The panel includes an Avidyne IFD 550, GFC 500 autopilot, dual Garmin G5s, WX 500 Stormscope, MVP-50 engine monitor, and Trig transponder with ADS-B.
Pilots looking for an economical four-seater with brisk performance and sharp aesthetics should consider this 1977 Grumman American AA-5B Tiger, received new paint and interior in 2019 and is available for $175,000 on AircraftForSale.
You can arrange financing of the aircraft through FLYING Financial Group. For more information, email
- FLYING Magazine: Approachable Aircraft: Grumman AA-5 Series
- FLYING Magazine: Air Compare: Grumman AA-5 vs. Mooney M20 Series
- FLYING Magazine: Aftermarket Stars Part 2: Great Used Planes for Less
- Plane & Pilot: 1979 Grumman American AA-5B Tiger

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