Kids can prepare for Girls in Aviation Day by signing up for a special care package from Women in Aviation and its sponsors. Courtesy WAI
Women in Aviation International launches its Girls in Aviation Day app, with the virtual celebration for kids ages 8-17 that kicks off on September 26. The mobile app contains a host of free content, including aviation career videos, hands-on activities, virtual tours of aviation museums, and a copy of Aviation for Girls magazine. Young people can also apply for WAI scholarships through the app, and meet career role models and others who provide inspiration in the aerospace community. Since the first GIAD event in 2015, thousands have participated, from 3,200 in the first year, to more than 20,000 in 2019, which featured 119 in-person events in 18 countries.
Some smartphone users can find the app on the Apple App Store, or Google Play, by searching for “WAI Events.” Users of other devices can find the download here. By signing up in advance on the Girls in Aviation Day site, participants can receive a special care package made possible by WAI and its sponsors, including the United States Air Force. While supplies are available, the care package includes a GIAD backpack containing a sticker, keychain, glitter tattoo, bandanna, Aviation for Girls 2020 publication, and a sectional chart. Other merchandise can be ordered via the site to help support GIAD programs.
“Since gender roles start influencing children as young as age 4, it’s important to begin inspiring girls at a young age, and our sponsorship of the 6th Annual Girls in Aviation Day is a great way to do that,” says Lt. Col. Annie Driscoll, commander of AFRS’ Detachment 1. “Women are underrepresented in the rated careers in the Air Force, and in aviation in general, and with our partnership with Women in Aviation International we hope to change that. We want to help all girls aim high!”
“WAI is thrilled to connect with girls all year, without geographic constraints, and on their schedule, through our virtual experience delivered in the Aviation for Girls App,” says WAI’s CEO Allison McKay. “WAI will continue our expanding program of encouraging and inspiring girls–no matter where they live or learn–all-year-round with a continuously growing library of content that is key to the GIAD experience. We’re grateful that the US Air Force values the importance of Girls in Aviation Day and has partnered with us to help launch the Aviation for Girls App, allowing us to bring the world of aviation to so many all over the world.”

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